This is an online and offline system that is used to manage apartments, shopping malls and arcades. Its user friendly and effective. It is used to manage rent collections, utility fees, staff management, and operational costs of the building.
By a simple login, one can see the number of floors, number of units/rooms, no of rooms occupied, no of rooms vacant, amount of money expected in all rooms, amount of money expected in occupied rooms, amount of money equivalent in the unoccupied rooms amount of money collected, amount of money uncollected etc. and this helps you to monitor the income of your apartments.
Benefits of the apartment’s management system
- It makes a data bank of all tenants, their contacts, ID numbers and photos
- Records all rooms and floors on the building and amount payable per room
- Records all rent payments
- It manages utility bills, staff/employee information and maintenance costs.
- It sends clients text messages reminding them on payments or any other information
- It’s hosted online and thus helps the top manager to monitor daily transactions.
- Makes automated receipts which can be printed and issued out to tenants
- Makes all the calculations and prepares reports like salary reports, rental reports etc. for example you can get rent collections for a specific period of time.
- Manages arrears and debts